

Written by Admin | Jul 6, 2024 3:47:12 PM

USER REPORT: BPK Brunnen- und Pumpenservice Knobbe

Drinking water is becoming scarcer and more precious. The relevance of clean and intact water catchment facilities is increasing. Mr Knobbe from BPK Brunnen- und Pumpen Service Knobbe is also aware of this.


iPEK inspection technology

Since 2005, Mr. Knobbe has been self-employed in the drinking water sector. His orders are constantly increasing. In order to be able to handle and solve the additional orders and also special solutions with his 10-man company, Mr. Knobbe rents the inspection systems from the iPEK rental park, which are specially required for these orders. The iPEK rental park includes the proven iPEK products as well as all current devices of the iPEK inspection technology for the use from DN50 to DN2000. From crawlers to push rod systems, manual and automatic cable drums and control units with current software versions with and without explosion protection. In other words, everything that is needed for a short-term expansion of your own equipment pool. With the rental products of iPEK, Mr. Knobbe can offer a complete service, such as maintenance, servicing, manhole rehabilitation and cleaning around the water catchment systems especially for wells, springs and drains, expand his services and increase efficiency.


iPEK rental park"Thanks to the iPEK rental park I was able to expand my equipment, generate more orders and find special solutions for complicated conditions. I think the rental park is great and would of course recommend it to anyone", says Mr. Knobbe of BPK Brunnen- und Pumpen Service.